First 5 California Team Screens Maya And Lily
/Still from Maya and Lily short film
When Dr. Michael Olenick, President of the Child Care Resource Center, shared the short film Maya and Lily with Camille Maben, Executive Director of First 5 California, she knew it would be a valuable tool to start discussions among the First 5 team members about how to continue to provide resources and support for working families.
First 5 California provides resources for educators, policy-makers, researchers, county representatives, and philanthropists to engage with each other about early childhood health and educational policy. Maben and Jamie Hastings, the Director of Administrative Services, screened Maya and Lily for their team, who all agreed that the film accurately and engagingly depicts the tough reality many working parents face.
Maya and Lily is a production of USC MISC, supported by a grant from the Stein Early Childhood Development Fund. The film, written by USC Alumnus Xavier Burgin in collaboration with the Chief Communications Officer of ZERO TO THREE Ernestine Benedict, depicts the story of a single mom struggling to care for her two young children while working full time. The film was directed by USC Alumnus Jenna Cavelle, and produced by Michael Taylor and Bo Youngblood.
The Stein Early Childhood Development Fund, in affiliation with the California Community Foundation, awards grants to non-profit organizations to raise public awareness and support for quality childcare education. Maya and Lily’s story highlights the importance of access to quality and affordable childcare.