Large Capacity Magazines
/Watch Large Capacity Magazines by Will Lowell
An avid hunter explains the advantage and popularity of semi‐automatic weapons. Directed by Will Lowell.
Watch Large Capacity Magazines by Will Lowell
An avid hunter explains the advantage and popularity of semi‐automatic weapons. Directed by Will Lowell.
44 US States allow sale of large capacity magazines for assault weapons.
This 80 second PSA satirizes California’s tax spending to support capital punishment. Directed by Eric Marshall.
Parent’s illusion of safety and privacy is changed forever by access to the Internet and social media. A reminder about parental guidance and personal responsibility on the Internet. "Post and Text Responsibly" was directed by John Berardo to spread the message of NetSmartz.
Children who don't receive early childhood education are 5xs more likely to become chronic lawbreakers by age 18 than those who do receive it. USC-MISC recently filmed a PSA with Save the Children showing how early childhood education can shape a life…