Engage In The Shift Wellness Rally
/MISC is proud to support The Shift Wellness Youth Rally to promote wellness, get the word out about the importance of mental health, and end the stigma around the need for mental health services. Scheduled for May 1st, 2021 starting at 11:00am PST, The Shift Wellness rally is a unique, community-wide youth and young adult-centered interactive conversation about mental wellbeing.
Co-sponsored by and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Westside LA, The Shift rally will include interactive events, speakers, and online discussions. It couldn’t come at a more opportune time. Statistics indicated that nearly 1 and 5 students report being bullied and that for every 100 minutes, a teenager will take their own life. As a part of the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization, The Shift’s mission is to create content to help end the stigma around mental and emotional health, encourage help-seeking behaviors, and provide access to resources and tools that help young people live their best lives.
But that’s not all - you can add your voice to the conversation. NAMI invites youth and young adults in our community ages 13-30 to be a part of the conversation. Submit your questions, observations, and reflections using the linked The Shift Wellness Rally content guide. Feel free to read the guide and contribute any way possible -- all submission will be meaningful. Submit as much or as little as you are inspired to. Follow the prompts in the guide and also have fun. Be serious, be humorous, be creative, be candid -- above all, be yourself!
The deadline to submit is April 18th, 2021. Turn on your phone or favorite recording device, and get to filming! And save the date for Wellness Rally! Register here to attend the virtual rally on May 1st or visit https://www.theshiftwellnessrally.com/
The Shift Promo Video