Entertainment media has a profound impact on individual knowledge, behavior and society in general. The USC Media Institute for Social Change (USC-MISC) is a nonprofit organization made up of industry professionals who create entertainment media with impactful messages.
Situated in the heart of Los Angeles, USC-MISC is based at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, which is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious film programs in the world and prepares students to pursue their ambitions and dreams in the realm of entertainment.
In 2012, as SCA’s Chair of Film and Television Production, Michael Taylor founded USC-MISC as a way to motivate the future generation of industry leaders to apply their crafted abilities to projects that do real world good.
USC-MISC Mission
We hope to change the world one film at a time
We seek to foster and support emerging writers, filmmakers and media professionals who are interested in shaping stories that can solve world problems.
STIMULATE interest among media makers to consider prosocial awareness goals within their content
EDUCATE new media makers on how to integrate awareness messaging into their stories
CREATE cinematic content that allows audiences to experience social issues
DEMONSTRATE AND MEASURE THE EFFICACY AND IMPACT of pro-social issue media on popular culture in order to influence the expansion of such content.
TO SUPPORT organizations and individuals who share our objectives to explore social issues and use the power of media influence to solve challenges
DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT STRATEGIES for finding and building audiences for pro-social issue media content across miscellaneous media platforms.
MAXIMIZE THE PRESENCE OF PRO-SOCIAL ISSUE MEDIA in existing and future content by becoming a center of excellence that links issue experts to professional content creators.